In response to chaos, brokenness, and tragedy there is the tendency to seek out a single, vetted, solution, some fixed, grand method of order that one can count on to solve, fix, and make right. In a moment defined by the effects of climate change, global pandemics, historically charged race and class reckonings and so much more, it is crucial to examine how these tendencies toward self-preservation and belonging are further complicated when the tragedy and chaos many marginalized beings experience are, in fact, features of the socially constructed systems we engage in every day. These realities leave many of us asking: In the face of real and symbolic entropy, how do we call upon our individual wholeness? How do we find personal comfort, belonging, or even salvation? With these questions in mind, through a rigorous and thoughtful blending of image, labor, gathering, and storytelling, Naming Our Time is an integrated presentation between artists Tosha Stimage, Charlene Tan, Alexa Burrell, and Erina C. Alejo of the historical, sonic, material, and natural landscapes through which we navigate meaning, material, identity, and kinship.
Curated by Qianjin Montoya
Naming Our Time will be on view from Saturday, October 27, 2023 - Saturday, January 13, 2024.